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Texting and Driving
December 19, 2014 | Blog
The National Safety Council stated that cell phone use while driving caused 26% of accidents nationwide last year.
The Council reported that accidents are six times as likely to occur with he use of a cell phone as opposed to accidents which occur when the driver is under the influence of alcohol.
A law was passed in 2012 in Nevada setting the fines at $50-$200 for cell phone use while driving. The National Highway Patrol reported an increase of 67% in tickets given this year.
There are reports of grass roots efforts to address cell phone use while driving, all over the country. Many are based on education about the issue and by adults setting an example for young people.
One noted effort is being promoted by AT&T with its "It Can Wait" campaign.
If you need a car accident lawyer at 877-722-9777
Source: Las Vegas Weekly
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="670" class="zemanta-img"] Driver in a Mitsubishi Galant using a hand held mobile phone violating New York State law. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

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