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Pickup Truck Hits Scooter on Las Vegas Blvd.; Rider Critically Injured
April 19, 2022 | Pickup Truck Accident
LAS VEGAS, CA (April 19, 2022) – Late in the afternoon on Monday in Las Vegas, a pickup truck struck an electric scooter, critically injuring the rider. The April 18 crash occurred where Wigwam Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard intersect, not far from where I-15 is located.
The time was roughly a little after 5:00 p.m., Las Vegas Metropolitan Police said.
According to reports, video from a dashcam recorded the incident, and witnesses also recounted details of the crash. A vehicle--described as a Dodge Ram pickup truck--had been stopped on Las Vegas Boulevard.
The pickup truck--reports say--was going to turn left to Wigwam Avenue. A person on an electric scooter was traveling on the shoulder pavement, heading northbound on Las Vegas Boulevard.
Reports say the driver in the pickup truck made a turn to the right from the left-hand lane, into the path of the scooter rider.
Responders transported the person who was riding the scooter to UMC Trauma. The patient suffered injuries that were described as life threatening.
The identity of the victim has not been reported.
The driver remained and the crash site and cooperated with investigators. The driver has also not been identified.
Investigators are continuing to work on the crash.
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