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DUI Suspect Breaks Down in Court
April 5, 2012 | Car Accident
A woman was stricken with tears as she listens to accounts of the accident that permanently crippled a 15-year-old boy during her DUI trial Monday.
The woman, 36-year-old Roger M. Bryan Elementary School teacher Noel Lynn Lardeo, was charged with drunk driving in an accident on February 5th when her car crashed into a bus bench, hitting the young boy, while she was driving her roommate home.
Lardeo insists that the accident was the cause of a blow out in one of her tires, but witnesses from the accident say they smelled alcohol on her at the scene, and police officers noted that she struggled to stand properly during on sight questioning.
In the accident report, Lardeo identified herself as the designated driver for her roommate, who was drinking after the accident amongst the commotion of helping the injured child. Two open and partially consumed bottles of vodka were found in the car.
The victim, Conan Obenchain, was asked to testify in court, though he said he only remembered sitting down on the bus bench and then waking up in the hospital.
The accident cost the boy his left leg and doctors say that even after two months of being in the hospital, he is at risk of losing the right one as well. Obenchain has been confined to a wheelchair.
Lardeo has since been fired from her job at the school, and the district has made it clear that she is no longer associated with them.
If you or someone you know has been in an accident like this, you have the right to compensation. The Law Office of Robert Koenig has the experience needed to win your case. You deserve to have a Las Vegas car accident lawyer who will fight for your rights and who can accurately represent your concerns. You need a car accident lawyer who is familiar with all of Nevada’s state laws and will work as hard as possible to serve you and you community. Call the Lawyer’s Group of Nevada today for your free evaluation!

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