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Driving Tired: Driving Drowsy and Driving Drunk Are Just As Damaging
December 13, 2016 | Blog
According to a new study by AAA, driving while tired has just as many dangers as driving drunk. The study deals with the safety of drivers who are potentially driving in a tired state and the people around them.
A AAA spokesperson explained to NBC News, that a disaster is very likely to occur from drivers who choose to get on the road without enough sleep prior. The risk for an accident is double if one gets an hour less sleep then usual. As more and more hours of sleep are lost, the more the potential of danger.
The ability to navigate the road safely is greatly impaired if your sleepy. Someone who is driving in a drowsy state may find themselves yawning or even feel their eyes constantly closing.
While drowsy driving has been around for a very long time, new studies have illustrated that this is a problem that needs to be dealt with. So here are a few ways officials are trying to deal with drowsy drivers, and how you can fight against it as well.
What The Authorities Are Doing to Fight This Atrocity
Reconfigurations to the roads are being made to ensure that people do not leave them on accident.One method that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is backing greatly is the installment of rumble strips to fight impaired drivers.
Rumble strips, that are easily heard, are in the plans to be installed by the regional and state authorities. These systems are designed to make noise as a driver is in the process of a lane change. This is helpful in waking up a drowsy driver incase they start to drift off course.
Changes in the framework of the road are not the only way they are fighting drowsy driving. The NHTSA are developing many techniques to fight this.
The NHTSA is taking a proactive approach to drowsy driving, by encouraging research and working with the local governments.
What is most important is to not be driving drowsy in the first place.
Tips To Avoid Being Sleepy Behind The Wheel
To stay completely alert while driving, you must make the right decisions beforehand and during the drive. Even the rumble strips and many road safety changes wont be able to change the fact that someone is driving without sufficient energy. It’s important to create habits that are good before you drive.
First things first, make sure that you have had an adequate amount of sleep. According to the Mayo Clinic, a nightly sleep of 7-9 hours is appropriate for adults and as much as 10 hours for teens. You can sleep at any amount that works for you, but make sure you are getting enough.
Even if you feel like you do not have time to be sleeping more you should try to work it in to your schedule for your own safety.
As AAA recommends, pulling to a stop for a nap and traveling with a partner can really help keep you safer. Even caffeine is not a proper substitute for the energy gained through sleep. Coffee and energy drinks may be helpful, but should not be relied on like the advantages of proper rest.
Driving drowsy is extremely dangerous. It is a problem that can lead to severe injury and even death.
Don’t Let Driving Drowsy Affect You
The authorities are working on endless ways to fight this predicament, from improvements in technology to raising awareness through education.
The fact that driving tired is as dangerous as driving drunk is a reality and must be taken seriously.
Becoming tired while driving and falling asleep is a reality that can happen to any driver. Our car accident lawyer firm can assist in any personal injury case and help you get on the right path.

It’s always better to hire the services of a great car accident lawyer to make sure you receive the highest claim possible. We at Car Accident Lawyer Pros will provide you with a talented and caring auto accident lawyer who will ensure that you are aptly compensated.