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Driving Simulator Educates on Texting While Driving
May 24, 2012 | Car Accident
A virtual reality simulator has been brought to a Las Vegas high school in an effort to demonstrate the dangers of texting while driving.
As a part of their “Txting & Driving… It Can Wait” program, AT&T has installed a virtual reality simulator for teen drivers at Green Valley High School in Las Vegas to teach them about the dangers associated with sending text messages while driving first hand.
Students will have an opportunity to use the simulator and text while behind the wheel to get a clear demonstration of how quickly things can get out of hand, and how quickly oncoming obstacles can turn into a deadly accident when your eyes are in your lap sending a text message.
Their campaign began in 2009, and now features an online resource center offering downloadable content for parents and teachers to educate youngsters, a Facebook awareness group, a mobile smartphone application called DriveMode aimed at limiting texting capabilities while behind the wheel, and aggressive anti-texting messaging in their more than 2,200 stores around the country.
The driving simulator is part of a larger awareness campaign throughout Nevada aimed at young drivers keeping their eyes on the road and off their phones.
The upcoming Memorial Day marks the beginning of a period known as the “100 Deadliest Days”; a time in which dangerous and fatal car accidents with young drivers is at its height.
The dangerous time runs through Labor Day, and features four of the six single deadliest days on the calendar for younger drivers, given that most young drivers are on a break from school and spend their days goofing off and performing dangerous activities that heighten the chance of a dangerous accident while behind the wheel.
Nevada authorities are hoping that their awareness program will bring road safety to the forefront, and that programs like AT&T driving simulator will finally convince young drivers to keep their eyes on the road while driving.
If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident as a result of some young teen driver texting while driving, you need help immediately. The Law Office of Robert Koenig has what it takes to help get you the compensation you deserve. You should seek out the kinds of skill and experience only available from a well-trained Las Vegas accident lawyer who can fight for your rights and accurately represent all of your concerns.
You need an accident lawyer who is familiar with all of Nevada’s state laws and who can do everything in their power to better serve you and your community. Call the Law Office of Robert Koenig today for your free evaluation.

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